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In-Situ Ex-Situ Thermal Remediation and SVE and advanced C3 Vapor Treatment

In Situ Thermal Conductive Heating using Gas Thermal Remediation (GTR™) was specifically developed to be the most flexible ISTR platform. Period.


GTR Solves These Common      In Situ Remediation Challenges:


  • Excavation is difficult - if not impossible - without demolition of buildings.

  • Fast project execution is required for a real estate transaction.

  • Achieving residential or commercial closure goals is mandatory.

  • Low permeability soils such as clays and silts require remediation

  • Limited access to the property.​

  • Groundwater and soil must be treated throughout the site.

  • Performance-based contracting or guarantees of treatment are desired.


After treatment, the heater wells can be reused as geothermal heat storage units; transforming the costs for cleanup into an economical and ecological long term benefit.

Our Solution

Thermal remediation using GTR™ technology may be the perfect answer to those particular issues. Each lightweight heater is designed to be operated without a central power distribution system. The flexible installation of heater wells allow GTR™ to be applied in nearly any configuration with vertical, horizontal/directional and slant installation techniques using direct push, auger and/or sonic drilling methods. 

In-Situ Ex-Situ Thermal Remediation and SVE and advanced C3 Vapor Treatment


  • Guarantees available

  • No excavation needed

  • Fast treatment (3 - 6 months)

  • No utility upgrades (small sites)

  • Reliable and repeatable results

  • Permanent contaminant removal 

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In-Situ Ex-Situ Thermal Remediation and SVE and advanced C3 Vapor Treatment

Thermal Conduction Heating (TCH) is one of the most robust and frequently deployed methods of In Situ Thermal Remediation.  GEO’s patented GTR® technology allows natural gas, propane or liquid fuel to be used to power the TCH system. Common benefits of using the GTR® method vs. electrical heating are:

  • No electrical upgrades required at many projects

  • Existing natural gas supply sufficient at small-to-medium sites

  • System is modular with no complex central distribution systems

  • Standard heaters provide up to 2 kW per meter length output

In Situ Thermal Conductive Heating using Gas Thermal Remediation (GTR™) was specifically developed to resolve soil pollution problems in urban environments.
In-Situ Ex-Situ Thermal Remediation and SVE and advanced C3 Vapor Treatment


*Eliminates Uncertainties: A remedial solution should be both certain and final. The ability to achieve performance-based goals is a testament to the reliability and predictability of our technologies. Performance-based contracts are available for most applications, and unlike other technologies, the application of thermal remediation eliminates "rebound" of contaminants. There is no place to hide: thermal remediation removes organic contaminants from a diverse series of lithologies, including clays, silts, sands, sandstone, and fractured rock. *Minimal Neighborhood Nuisances: No excavation and no transportation of soil (trucks, accidents, dirty roads, dust, etc.) necessary. Projects have been implemented beneath businesses, buildings, apartments, and even homes. *Competitive Pricing: The total cleanup costs with GTRâ„¢ are very competitive, especially when considering the full remediation costs: -No long term liabilities (and no uncertainty associated with it) -Restoration of full property value No long term monitoring -No disruption of operations during remediation -Time value of money: remediation cycle of less than one year When all costs are taken into account, thermal is often the most economical choice. *Applicable to a Wide Variety of Contaminants, Soil Types, and Configurations: Nearly all organic contaminants and a few inorganic contaminants are suitable for GTRâ„¢ treatment. The technology works effectively in all soil types as conductive heat progresses quasi-homogeneously throughout the different soil types. *Often the Most Sustainable Remediation Option: GTRâ„¢ is a very sustainable option compared to more traditional alternatives: -After treatment, land usage is often unrestricted. With ISTD using GTRâ„¢, land is no longer limited in its usage to low-level industry. It is fit for any use. -Low energy consumption: The efficient burners, combined with the use of "clean" natural gas or propane, make ISTD with GTRâ„¢ very energy efficient. -No electrical upgrades: Usually, no electrical upgrades are required at the project site. When natural gas is unavailable, the GTRâ„¢ units operate from mobile propane tanks. -Heater wells can be reused as geothermal heat storage units. With the reuse of the remediation device as heat storage unit, total CO2 impact can be reduced to a minimum and in some cases even be totally neutralized, benefitting redevelopment projects.


GEO is a California licensed C-57 Well Driller.  GEO provides limited access environmental drilling and remediation well installation services.  With its customized man portable auger / hollow stem auger drill rig, GEO is able to drill in some of the most limited access locations.  GEO's limited access drill rigs have installed soil vapor extraction wells, monitoring wells and thermal remediation wells at demanding project locations.

Unique Features of GEO's Drill Rig:

  • Access through standard single personnel doors

  • 8 ft overhead clearance possible for well installations

  • Installs 2, 4, 6 inch well diameters

  • Remote hydraulic power source can be positioned outside so no exhaust fumes emitted in indoor areas

  • Hollow stem augers

  • California-modified split spoon soil sampling capable

In-Situ Ex-Situ Thermal Remediation and SVE and advanced C3 Vapor Treatment


GEO provides operations, maintenance and site management services at environmental remediation projects.  GEO is experienced in operating common remedial technologies such as soil vapor extraction, dual- and multiple-phase extraction, groundwater pump & treat, and air sparging and vapor intrusion mitigation systems.  

Call or email today for a customized review of your site's OM&M requirements and a professional, competitive quote!

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